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Things College Didn’t Teach You

8 minute read

A CS degree is a great foundation on which to build a career. The problem is that you can’t simulate the conditions of a work environment

Back to School!

1 minute read

I hate to admit it, but they were right. Every single one of them warned me and I poo-pooed away their concerns. “That won’t happen to me, I’ll be fine” I ...

The Benefits of Game Programming

3 minute read

My earliest interest in programming started because of video games. My family got our first gaming console when I was 3 or 4 years old, and I was immediatel...

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Web 3.0

5 minute read

I think there will be a cool use for all this new technology, but I don’t think we’ve found it yet.

Balance, and Not Having Any

3 minute read

It’s yet another USAF drill weekend, which always serves to highlight that I’ve got way too much going on right now.

Back to School!

1 minute read

I hate to admit it, but they were right. Every single one of them warned me and I poo-pooed away their concerns. “That won’t happen to me, I’ll be fine” I ...

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Working Remotely

8 minute read

My early days of remote work were a struggle, but I learned some lessons that I’d like to share.

Things College Didn’t Teach You

8 minute read

A CS degree is a great foundation on which to build a career. The problem is that you can’t simulate the conditions of a work environment

Google, Here I Come!

3 minute read

It’s official: next month I’ll be a Google employee! 😲 The story of how it happened is a little strange, so I’d like to share.

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2 minute read

You know that one interview question everybody hates? The one I you’ve probably read multiple articles about how to answer? That one that has you wondering...

Digital Gardening

2 minute read

You can’t build a garden. You have to plant the seeds and let it grow naturally. It is a slow, deliberate process that involves guiding that growth rather ...

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Working Remotely

8 minute read

My early days of remote work were a struggle, but I learned some lessons that I’d like to share.

The benefits of bad memory

7 minute read

I have spent my whole life figuring out ways to keep things straight in my head. Over time, I’ve developed habits that compensate for my forgetfulness.

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